
Teams are built

Effective team functioning is critical for success in the areas of strategy development, innovation, and organizational problem-solving. Team-level deficits can limit growth and weaken your competitive edge.

Our goal is to help companies create high performance teams by targeting both person-specific and group-level processes for development and growth.

The broad objectives of the training are to:

  • Increase productivity and efficiency

  • Improve communication

  • Strengthen the capacity for problem-solving at the group level

  • Enhance morale

The teambuilding process typically occurs in two stages:

Phase I: Assessment and Formulation

In Phase 1, each member of the team is interviewed to pinpoint areas of strength and weakness with regard to team functioning. A development plan is created that specifies behaviors and processes that need to be changed to improve team functioning.

Phase II: Teambuilding Workshop

In Phase II, all members of the team are brought together for a half-day workshop to discuss opportunities for development and solutions to problems. The various dimensions of team functioning are discussed (i.e., roles and responsibilities, communication, performance management, problem-solving, leadership, rewards, climate, etc.) with particular reference to the characteristics of high-performance teams. Members are asked to evaluate their team on each dimension and the facilitator provides input from the Phase I assessment. The workshop provides members with the opportunity to problem-solve collectively, which substantially increases the probability that strategies will be implemented. The final output is an action-plan that describes the steps needed to bring the team to the next level.